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The Big Dog Challenge: Finding the Indestructible Toy

Best Dog Toys For Large Breeds

We all love our big dogs and their large, smiling mouths. But many dog owners know that these sizable canines tend to play rougher than other dogs, quickly destroying their most-beloved toy.

With a knack for tearing apart their ball or chew toy, it is our job to find an item that won’t break apart easily. But how would you go about finding an indestructible dog toy? We’ve taken care of that, sifting through reviews to find the best dog toys for large breeds.

But why would do dogs destroy their beloved items in the first place?

Why Does My Dog Destroy Its Toys?

Bark Post and Link AKC reveal the reasons why your dog might be destroying their favorite chew toy.

Bored: destruction, including their favorite belongings, may be due to a lack of excitement in their daily lives.

Raising: since puppyhood, dogs tend to play rough with their toys. This habit continues because we don’t teach them otherwise.

Around the clock: being our little “fur babies”, we tend to spoil our animals. Having full access to their toys means that they are likely to be torn apart sooner rather than later.

Mortality: although some toys last longer than others, the design of toys is that they will eventually be torn apart. This makes them safe for your dog.

Anxiety: a dog that is nervous tends to take its stress out on its favorite toy.

Feels good: gnawing on their ball or squishy toy simply feels good on their gums.

Energy: dogs that don’t get out enough may resort to destroying their toy.

Is Chewing on Toys Acceptable?

With large dogs, oftentimes it is difficult to give their teeth a proper cleaning. And although some would say that chew toys are a distraction that your dog should not be allowed to have, we have found evidence to suggest just the opposite.

The benefits that a durable chew toy can offer a dog, especially of large sizes.

Limits boredom: giving your pet a toy to chew on can allow them to be entertained when you cannot give them the appropriate attention.

Oral health: large dog toys that are made out of tough materials can actually end up scraping the plaque off of your dog’s teeth.

Relieves pain: dogs aren’t able to tell us when they are experiencing gum problems, but a toy can help decrease the aches associated with teething.

What Features Should I look for in a Large Dog Toy?

Below are the important attributes to consider before buying your large dog’s next toy. Keep these tips from Pet Life Today in mind while determining if the object is truly indestructible.

Toughness: toys that are made of durable materials are likely to last longer, even with a large dog chewing on the toy.

Toy options: you don’t have to resort to one uniform indestructible large dog toy. Instead, sift around and find what will work best to capture your dog’s attention.

Size range: depending on the size of your large dog, you may have to consider what will fit in the mouth of Fido.

Health: looking at the materials used is crucial to avoid any toxic toys. Use the approval of the FDA to indicate the quality of the contents.

Guarantees: certain companies realize that your dog may be capable of aggressive chewing, yet still want to provide with a good deal. If a toy is destroyed within a certain amount of time then it was never indestructible in the first place.

What Types of Toys Can I Choose From?

The 4 most common types of dog toys that are able to withstand the chewing of a large canine companion can be found in this list provided by Simpawtico Dog Training. These include:

  • Chew toys
  • Dental toys
  • Interactive toys
  • Plush toys

Now that you know what to look for in a durable large dog toy, you can read up on our top 3 best dog toys.

Goughnuts Tug Interactive Large Dog Toy

Large dog owners prefer this product for the safety involved. The outer layer is reinforced with carbon material and natural rubber while the inside is colored red to indicate when to replace it. It offers a durable and interactive game that you can use with your dog.

Goughnuts Tug Interactive Large Dog Toy

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  • The dense rubber stops from being completely penetrable by a large dog’s tooth.
  • The material used is meant to bend with the motion of your dog to reduce the stress on your dog’s body.
  • The inner layer of red helps to identify any possible areas of weakness.


  • Dogs, and owners, with a sensitive sense of smell, may be deterred from the immense rubber smell.

Chew King Fetch Balls

This product is a worthy investment for your large dog because of its durability and versatility. It is made with half a pound of pure rubber, presenting a challenge to tough chewers.

This ball can be used as a long-lasting fetch item or a treat dispenser.

Chew King Fetch Balls

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  • This large dog toy is made entirely of natural rubber that is non-toxic.
  • The holes located on opposite ends prevent the dog from sucking in too much air while holding the product in their mouth.
  • A great hardy substitute to the tennis ball as the rubber is difficult to chew through.


  • Due to the sheer weight of the rubber, this ball may be too heavy to be used in a game of fetch with even your large dog.

Nylabone Dura Chew

The Nylabone Chew toy is made to be durable, tough and beneficial with nylon material to keep any power chewers busy.

Being a dental toy, the raised bristles are used to clean your dog’s teeth. The various flavors make this product all that more chew-worthy to a large dog.

Nylabone Dura Chew

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  • This toy not only helps to keep your occupied but helps to remove plaque and tartar off of their teeth.
  • The Nylabone Dura Chew is designed for dogs over 50 pounds, making this toy last a lot longer than other products.
  • You don’t have to convince your dog to go after their toy rather than the furniture with this flavored bone.


  • Depending on how aggressive your dog is with its chewing, this product may only last for about 5 months, which is decent for an indestructible toy.

One of the challenges of owning a large dog is that they tend to become dedicated to ruining their favorite toys.

In order to avoid having to constantly replace these items, invest in a toy that is durable, non-toxic and long-lasting.

Our 3 top picks can be used as a substitute for chewing on your couch or playing with you in the backyard.