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Best Indoor Potties for your Dog

Best Indoor Dog Potty

If you own a dog, you know that it can be a difficult task trying to potty train them. They are guaranteed to have multiple accidents throughout your house.

Because of this, you’re advised to help train them using an indoor dog toilet. Indoor dog toilets are vital for the potty-training process because they help your pet know that they can’t just go to the bathroom wherever they want to.

But it can also be difficult to find out what type of indoor dog potty would be best for your circumstances.

What a dog potty is and why you need one

A dog toilet is a general term referred to for contraptions that involve allowing a dog to use the bathroom without having to go outside. They are beneficial for pet owners for many different reasons.

You may consider an indoor dog toilet if you live in a location that experiences cooler weather for some parts of the year.

Additionally, you may want to consider purchasing an indoor dog toilet if you aren’t home for a lot of the day and still want your dog to be able to use the bathroom.

It may be beneficial for you to consider purchasing an indoor dog potty if you want to train your dog how to use the bathroom in specific spots in your house, rather than just anywhere at any time.

This training can then be used to help them learn how to use the bathroom in certain parts of your yard, rather than in a random spot every time, requiring you to hunt for the waste every time.

What are the different types of indoor dog toilets?

Before you purchase an indoor dog toilet, you may want to be educated on the different types of dog toilets that are on the market.

For instance, there are dog toilets that involve a patch of fake grass that your dog can use to go to the bathroom. With this device, their waste can travel through the grass and lands in a tray that will need to be cleaned out at the bottom.

Additionally, there are also devices that involve an actual dog toilet, and these act as litter boxes. Furthermore, there are also disposable pee pads that involve you laying out a pad where your dog can then use the bathroom over.

These are generally used as a temporary solution for when you’re first potty-training your dog.

Lastly, there are washable pee pads that involve the same concept of laying out a pee pad for them to use the bathroom on, but they aren’t disposed of right away.

They can be washed and reused for several times, which is cheaper on your wallet and is also better for the environment.

Things to consider before buying an indoor dog potty

Before you go shopping for an indoor dog toilet, there are some things that would be helpful to know. It may be beneficial to know the different types of dog toilets and to think about which one would be best for your dog.

Consider the size of your dog and accommodate to their needs by purchasing a dog toilet that allows them to comfortably use the bathroom on.

Additionally, you’ll want to consider the potty training process. If your dog is already potty trained and you simply want a dog toilet because you don’t want them to have to go outside, then you may want to buy a more permanent solution like the patch of fake grass device.

On the other hand, if your dog is not potty trained, then the American Kennel Club advises that you consider investing in dog diapers as well as more temporary solutions, like the disposable pee pads.

You should also consider the amount of space that you have as well as the location of the indoor dog potty.

You’re advised to put the dog potty near the back door or in a mudroom, since the waste may smell if not cleaned directly after your pet uses the device. Consequently, consider the amount of space that you have to place the potty.

If you only have a small amount of space, consider smaller, more temporary pee pads.

For additional information on indoor dog potties, here is a YouTube Video that you may find helpful.

Best Indoor Dog Potties

1. Got2GoWee Washable Pee Pads

This indoor dog potty is recommended for you because it is both washable and reusable, and it also presents a non-slip, waterproof liner.

There are raised silicone dots on the bottom of the pad that prevents the pad from slipping when the dog is using the bathroom on top.

Got2GoWee Washable Pee Pads

Check the prices on Amazon


  • Pee doesn’t leak through because the pad absorbs up to 8 cups of liquid
  • Fits larger dogs
  • Saves you money from having to dispose of pads and buy new ones


  • Not a permanent solution, since the pads have to be thrown away eventually

2. Indoor Puppy Dog Pet Potty

This indoor dog potty is beneficial for you because it contains multiple layers, including a soft layer of grass for the liquid to easily flow through.

Additionally, the dog potty contains a deep grate at the bottom of the device for the waste to fall into, keeping the grass on top clean.

Indoor Puppy Dog Pet Potty

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  • Synthetic grass surface
  • Portable
  • Easily cleaned


  • The surface on top isn’t as big as the other pads

3. Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty

This dog potty is recommended because it contains a high-quality top-grate that allows waste to easily fall through. The grate system also presents an easy snap-off top that prevents spills and other messes from occurring.

Blyss Pets Klean Paws Indoor Dog Potty

Check the prices on Amazon


  • Easily cleaned
  • Saves you money on pads
  • Keeps pet’s paws dry


  • Is only compatible with smaller pets, like puppies and cats